


Retro only means that the older it is, the cooler it is.


Greatest Hits

  1. Highway 11 -- My creative thesis which was the final product of my Master of Arts degree -- a collection of interconnected short stories that all take place along the route of US-11. I still have a great deal of editing, revising, adding, subtracting, etc. -- however, I am quite pleased that I have my own citation in the University of Tennessee Library.
  2. Hypergraphia -- An experiment in hypertext. Long ago, I wrote snippets of poems, stories, ramblings, and dreams all over my wall. I collected all those snippets in this hypertext project, linking them together with the sort of dream-logic that first created them.
  3. Anderson in August (Shedding a Little Light on the Melancholy) -- I created this project about Laurie Anderson for my Modern/Postmodern Literature class when I was an undergraduate. It was one of the more ambitious web projects I took on during that period of time.

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Proud member of the SDF Public Access UNIX System. Site design yanked from an awesome Robert Boylan Tumblr theme. (Thanks!)
All other material © 2011 Devon Koren Alley, unless noted otherwise.